Apr 20, 2023 | Business Spotlight, Community News, Do Business
At Hayday Coffee in Atlantic City, the staff gets to know each customer one cup of coffee at a time. “Get to Know Your Customers Day” is observed annually on the third Thursday of each quarter. The date reminds businesses to reach out to patrons and get to know them...
Jan 27, 2022 | Announcements, Business News, Community News, Do Business
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) is running a new federal stimulus program supporting New Jersey’s contractors, businesses, property managers, and organizations remotely and in-person. The $180M federally funded Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program...
Jun 3, 2020 | Advocacy, Announcements, Chamber News, Community News, Do Business
Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 150, permitting outdoor dining starting on Monday, June 15th, with an accompanying Executive Directive from the New Jersey Department of Health that lays out health and safety standards that food or beverage...
May 10, 2018 | Advocacy, Chamber Events, Chamber News, Community News, Do Business, Gallery
Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam and Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver shared their optimism for Atlantic City during the 2018 Sate of the City at the Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall. Read more about their address by clicking on any of the links below: Press of...May 8, 2018 | Advocacy, Business News, Chamber News, Community News, Do Business
On Monday, the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee approved legislation to provide tax incentives for development at Atlantic City International Airport and the nearby surrounding areas. Chamber President Joe Kelly provided testimony to the...Mar 21, 2018 | Advocacy, Business News, Chamber News, Do Business
A new bill (A3676/S2307) was introduced in early March concerning tax incentives designed to create a “Garden State Growth Zone (GSGZ)” at Atlantic City Airport. The bill is inresponse to former Gov. Chris Christie’s decision to veto a previous bill (Press of...