Mar 4, 2020 | Business News, Chamber Events, Chamber News, Signature Events
The Greater Atlantic City Chamber seeks to contract with a firm to develop and manage a public relations and marketing campaign for the Atlantic City Airshow, A Salute to Those Who Serve. The Atlantic City Airshow is on Wednesday, August 26, 2020. Read the RFP...
Feb 3, 2020 | Business News, Chamber Events, Chamber News, Signature Events
Besides safer and cleaner surroundings, add easier and broader access to the wish list of things the city’s top casino executives want for the seaside resort. Several of Atlantic City’s top casino executives said increasing visitation and convention business...
Jul 4, 2019 | Chamber Events, Chamber News, Signature Events, Upcoming Events
The Greater Atlantic City Chamber will host the first Red, White, and Blue Beach BBQ as part of the opening ceremonies celebration for The Atlantic City Airshow “A Salute to Those That Serve.” Ticket holders will dine with representatives from all five branches of the...
Apr 22, 2019 | Chamber News, Gallery, Past Events, Signature Events
The Greater Atlantic Chamber honored the most dynamic and influential individuals on April 17, 2019 at the Hard Rock Atlantic City at our Annual Business Excellence Awards banquet. The seven awards presented were presented are as follows: Business Leader of the Year,...