This afternoon at Rutgers University, New Brunswick Campus, Governor Murphy announced a series of 6 environmental policy moves through executive orders and rulemaking processes. The Governor’s first announcement was an Executive order stating New Jersey’s accelerated goal to achieve 100 percent clean electricity by the year 2035. New Jersey’s previous goal committed to 100 percent clean electricity by 2050.
This executive order posits New Jersey as a national leader in clean energy with one of the most ambitious targets across the country. Governor Murphy’s administrative goal goes hand in hand with Senator Bob Smith’s bill S2978, The Clean Energy Act of 2023, which would codify the target in state legislation and kickstart the much needed accelerated transition for the state.
“This accelerated new goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035 bumps up the timeline for achieving a clean energy transition by 15 years and takes a significant and needed step to meet the urgency of the climate crisis,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Director of NJ Sierra Club. “The New Jersey Sierra Club applauds Governor Murphy for his decision to meet the moment and for working to provide a healthier and more affordable future for NJ families. We now hope to see 100% clean energy by 2035 be codified in statute in the strongest possible way, and we look forward to working with the administration, the DEP and the BPU to make this a reality for New Jersyians.” Read the full press release from Insider NJ.